Friday, October 31, 2008

Cruise Day 6 Friday Grand Turk

Happy Halloween.

Why do they call it Grand Turk? Of the group of islands, it’s the smallest. By a lot.

It’s like a couple miles wide by maybe 4 or 5 miles long. The island’s population is about 5,000. The ship carries 3,000 passengers plus about 1,500 crew – so you get the idea of the size of the island.

I’m writing this in the morning having coffee and watching CNN. I think Nuke closed down the bars last night – but no problem – we don’t dock till 1300.


We took a cab tour of the island. That took all of about 10 minutes. Just kidding. But it really only took about 45 minutes to an hour. The island is essentially flat. From the ship, docked at the south end, you can see all the way to the light house, at the north end.

This place was devastated by Hurricane Ike which passed over about 7 weeks ago. It was a full Category 4 at the time. Power poles are back up everywhere but power is not returned to a house or building until the roof is secure. Because of the extreme damage – over half of the population is still without power living in homes without roofs.

There is snorkeling and diving here. Or just lazing out at the beach. But not much else. Unless wandering around looking at the cattle and donkeys that roam loose is your thing.


Man – a lot of people get seriously dressed up for Halloween. Here’s some photos:


There was trick or treating for the kids.

Saw another comedian and the crew’s amateur talent show in the lounge. Corny but fun. Went to the bar later and stayed up till midnight!!!!

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