Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cruise Day 5 Thursday US Virgin Islands


Another port – another beach.

We signed up for the ship tour to Megan’s Beach. What is Megan’s Beach you ask? Well, it’s a beach. It’s basically a beach that is privately owned and operated. It has a bar, a shop, a grill and a nice beach.

The ship’s tour was basically the ride to and from the beach and admission. What would normally be a 9 dollar cab ride (times 2) was a 30 (roundtrip) ride in a truck. The grill was full of things like 6 dollar hot dogs, 18 dollar pizza, etc.

Megan’s Beach is pretty but it’s a rip off. The power of advertising. And the ship’s price to get there and back was the icing on the cake. Had a good time – just don’t like getting ripped off.

Dinner was Alaskan King Crab legs. Yummy.

Dinner ran long and I only got to see about half of the juggling comedy act. He was funny. I’ve really enjoyed the comedians on this trip.

People watched and then to bed.

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