Monday, August 06, 2007

Fake Steve Jobs

It's lunch time and I'm at the office computer - so I'll make this a quick entry. I was perusing the news and I saw an article where the Fake Steve Jobs blog author has been revealed. I've been reading it for about 2 or 3 months now. I can't remember who turned me on to the blog but it's a beautiful thing. Like an iPod. Have you heard of it?

It's been sort of like Primary Colors was; a guessing game as to the author. Difference is the FakeSteve site is actually funny. Irreverent and just close to, but not quite, going over the line. It's a lot of fun watching someone pop the pretentious balloons of the self absorbed.

The entries about the 'cleansing diet' and 'leakage' are coarse but left me laughing so hard my eyes watered. I also like the recurring Google entries. I think my all time favorite entry was the one where Hillary Clinton came to a secret meeting to extort campaign money. Classic.

Along the same skewering line (but definitely not in the cerebral category) is my guilty pleasure - I watch The Soup religiously. Don't tell anybody - it'll ruin my snooty image.

Peace out.

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