Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Bit Much

Gerald Ford was the first president I ever got to vote for. I had to drive from NC State University to Fayetteville to cast my absentee ballot. He was a good man. I still think he would have been the better choice over Carter.

The hauling of Gerry hither and yon is just a bit much. Actually, it's gotten downright unseemly.

Much more dignified would have been 24 hours in the Capitol Rotunda then put him in the ground. Afterwards - Memorial Services in California and Michigan - sans body.

Enough already.

Roomie had an observation while watching, yet another, hearse ride - he pointed out the Caddy had low profile wide tires on extra large shinny rims. And I quote "Look at Ford. He be pimpin it".

Orange Bowl Tonight


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember you and I "discussing" this election when we were freshmen. I was young and idealistic and naive and a sucker for Jimmy. And you were right.