Monday, July 14, 2008

Manufacturing Dissent

For full disclosure, let me state up front that I despise Michael Moore for his mixing lies along with truth as much as the next person. So, I was likely predisposed to like the movie that this entry is about.

I watched Manufacturing Dissent on IFC (Independent Film Channel) Monday evening.

The documentary has flaws. The filmmaker isn't as professional as I would have liked. It stuck me as being superficial at times. Like any (purported) documentary - watch it with a grain of salt.

However, overall, it does a real good job of exposing Moore for the self aggrandizing person (braying jackass) that he is. And it does a pretty good job documenting his lies and half truths.

I'll be so glad when Bush is finally out of office. I wish we could vote Moore out on his fat ass as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the original thinking. I'll be re-looking at Michael Moore. While his goals are interesting, he, personally is so objectionable, it's hard to "stay in his camp."
mike of reston