Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fan Mail

I've received a couple emails asking about smoking and the raccoons.

So - to update everybody - here's the scoop.


So far, so good. It's been 6 months now since I quit. I don't think the cravings will every actually go away. But they're becoming less and less powerful and are no longer a daily issue.

It's always possible to backslide - but I think that's pretty much not ever going to happen.


I haven't seen my raccoon in over two weeks.

For a little while - a feral black cat was hanging around and eating the food I was putting out. There's also a possum who was coming in at night and feeding as well. God, that is one ugly ass critter.

I thought that maybe the cat was keeping my raccoon away - so I quit putting food out.

But - I've made sure the hanging bird feeder with the sunflower seeds is kept filled. The raccoon would climb up on the trellis - walk over to the roof - go on the house roof to the porch roof - then climb down the bird feeder holder rod to the feeder and feast.

Haven't seen or heard the raccoon at the feeder in two weeks either.

I hope she's OK. I'm hoping that she's just staying near her den with her kits (which I presume she has - which - also assumes it's a female). If this is indeed the case - she may start showing up in a couple more weeks once the kits are old enough to be left alone for a while or they start following her out on her hunting / feeding rounds.

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