Sunday, February 10, 2008

This Is A Typical Weekend

My home life is pretty mundane and boring. Here’s a rather lengthy account of a completely typical weekend.


I took a couple hours off Friday to take Nuke’s car in for servicing of the ignition system. From the time I left the office, got home, changed cars, drove over to the service center in Durham, and drove back – it took about 4 hours.

I’m feeling much much better, but I’m still a bit sick from the sinus attack so I was pretty tired when I got home.

Warmed up some left over pizza for dinner and that was about the last thing I remember.

I’m still so worn out from being sick – I honestly don’t remember going to bed. I did go to bed – just don’t remember it. I’d guess I went to bed by 7 PM.


I slept in pretty late. I got up around 10 or so. That’s about the latest I’ve slept in years.

Puttered around the house. Did some cleaning and laundry. In the afternoon I took Nuke’s car to get it inspected. His inspection expired in November so he’s kind of late to say the least.

Got over to the oil change / inspection place around 2:15. Their hours are posted as being open till 3 on Saturdays – but – sure enough – they were closed. A couple of guys were inside but they were locked up and the closed sign was in the glass garage door.

Well, that’s a sure way to never get my business again. That’s the Vavoline Instant Oil Change – at the intersection of US 15-501 and Pittsboro-Moncure Road just south of Pittsboro, NC.

So – I drove on over to the all in one Coffee Shop / Car Wash / Dog Wash place in Pittsboro. That’s right – all the essential services in one small building / company. With drive through.

Got a small latte and then went over to Allen and Sons Bar-B-Que just north of Pittsboro. Had the tray with slaw and rolls.

Came on back home and worked on the hot tub.

The hot tub has been having problems for quite a while as those who read this blog regularly may recall from my earlier entries.

Anyway – Danny finally came back and installed the pump about 2 weeks ago. The tub is still sitting on top of the deck (it fits into a recess in the deck).

We still needed to reinstall the insulation boards and attach the side panels – so that’s what I did.

I also removed all the bottom screws in all the side panels and trim pieces. Hopefully, when the tub is put back into it’s recess – only the top and middle screws need be removed and the panels pulled up and out for access. Thus – no longer having to lift this god awful heavy hot tub.

Saturday evening I watched the NC State at Maryland game on TV. State played a great first half but got totally run over in the second half. We seem to make a habit of having those kinds of games this year.


I woke up around 4 AM this morning.

Went into the living room and turned on the TV.

Just as I was drifing off back to sleep - I heard the garage door rattle - rather loudly. No wind.

While still half asleep - I decided to investigate.

Not really thinking - I got a large kitchen knife while wishing I had something to swing instead - like a baseball bat. Completly forgetting that I've got large, long and very heavy fireplace tools right in front of me. But then again - I really am not quite awake.

Looked in the garage - nothing.

It was probably a raccoon trying to climb up - and get to the windows in the room over the garage. The 2 that I feed are very brazen and brave - and my money is on one of them.

Went back to the couch - still not quite awake - and went to sleep there.

Woke up later at a more typical time – around 7. Cereal with fruit for breakfast. Then went up to Cary to get Nuke’s car inspected and the oil changed.

BTW – the reason I’m taking care of Nuke’s car maintenance is because he’s working in Algeria and he farked around (as usual) and didn’t take care of all his stuff before he left.

Oh well, he’s got a great job which is good and is gone 6 weeks at a time so I’ve got the house all to myself – which is also good. And, I get all the peace and quiet that comes with it.

So - doing a few chores for Nuke is no big deal. Besides - he's my friend and would do the same for me. I'm just bitching and griping.

Anyway – Jiffy Lube opens at 10 on Sundays – I’m the second one there. Got the car taken care of and was back home by noon.

This afternoon I took about half of my recycling to the local center. I couldn’t take it all because CK has borrowed my truck and my car has limited capacity. I’ll have to get the rest of the recycling done next weekend.

CK said he only needs the truck for a couple of weeks. I said to keep it through February. Already looking forward to getting it back. I do use it on weekends and it's a pain when it's not here.

It’s amazing. Since Nuke’s been gone – it’s taken me 3 weeks to fill up the trash cans in the garage. Very little trash when you live by yourself. All the recycling is plastic milk jugs (mine) and a ton of glass beer bottles (Nuke’s).

I also went by the library to return a couple of books and to check out some new ones.

DB has been after me to read John Irving. I read The World According to Garp many many years ago. DB says The Hotel New Hampshire is Irving’s best. It wasn’t on the shelf so I looked it up on the computer.

Checked out and due back in May, 1990. Notation says presumed lost. Gee – ya think?

Checked out A Prayer For Owen Meany instead.

Stopped at the Bay Breeze Restaurant after the library – and also started reading the book.

It was at the restaurant that I decided to write up this entry.

I ordered and was reading when the waitress brought my salad. With Thousand Island dressing. Which I never order. It's not that I don't like it - I'm just a creature of habit and always get Bleu Cheese or Ranch, or sometimes just oil and vinegar.

So I'm getting ready to eat the salad and musing if I somehow mistakenly ordered the Thousand Island. Of course I didn't - but I also didn't specifically remember what I ordered.

So - I'm sitting there wondering if I had really ordered the wrong dressing and if it's one of those 'senior moment' things. And contemplating possible memory loss and life on a Sunday afternoon in general. That's when I thought I'd write up my typically boring weekend.

BTW - The Thousand Island dressing was nice for a change.

After the late lunch – off to the grocery store – milk and some basics.

Got home and got out the ladder to see if I could fix one of my outdoor flood lights. One of the lights won’t light up (dual fixture). It had gotten knocked about – I think by squirrels or raccoons. I re-aimed the motion detector and tightened the wires and connections. Hopefully I got it fixed.

I’m home now. Have music playing on the computer / stereo and I’m getting ready to sit back and enjoy the book.

Also this weekend I cleaned and washed my electric shaver (weekly chore); caught up on my week's worth of mail stacked up on the dinning room table; went to the post office; did some filing and I'm sure some other stuff I can't recall.

And that’s about it for a typical weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd put up with a LOT of distant online griping if someone were taking care of MY car! :)
mike of reston