Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It appears that McCain has the Republican nomination wrapped up. Of course, Huckleberry is still out there waving the flag for the NeoNaziCons. But – McCain will be the nominee.

That leaves the Democrat nomination still up in the air.

I’m registered as an independent. Actually, in North Carolina, it’s called unaffiliated. Unaffiliated voters can decide at the polls which primary they want to vote in.

The NC primary is held in May. The candidates usually have their nominations all locked up by then. But not this year for the Democrats. The NC primary might actually be important for a change.

I honestly don’t know who to vote for in the primary – Clinton or Obama.

I’ve visited their web sites, read the news, and generally stay pretty well informed. But I really don’t know which would be the better candidate.

So – for those of you that know me – feel free to weigh in with your opinions when you see me.

For once – I actually want to hear what you have to say.

One thing for sure – we’ll have a real choice for much needed change come November between Clinton or Obama and McCain.

Clemson at UNC

Clemson lost to UNC in an intense double overtime game at UNC Sunday evening.

Refereeing is a tough job.

Griping about the referees is a time honored tradition. We all know that the ref's try to be fair and even handed - but we still get on their case and blame them for being biased for the other team in every game.

However - during the Clemson UNC game - Carolina got to shoot 36 free throws - Clemson got to shoot 7.


When you're behind at the very end of the game - you foul hoping for a miss and rebound. Even with that - there is absolutely no way that Clemson committed 5 TIMES as many fouls as Carolina.

That's just effing Bull-S*%$.

I hope the ACC is reviewing the tapes of that game.

Somebody needs to have a come to Jesus meeting or possibly even told to turn in their zebra shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our household solved the primary vote issue inadvertently well...He voted for Obama; I, Clinton. (chosen for her health care approach--it's the country's chance for a national health care plan.) However, either one would be fine leaders for this country. The best one to beat McCain: Obama--so now I'm in his camp.
mike of reston