Friday, December 29, 2006

How Many?

I generally avoid politics in my Blog. Political postings in general tend to be rather superficial and are already covered ad nauseam in the blogsphere and AM talk radio

I am against Capital Punishment. It is not a deterrent and is arbitrarily meted out. It simply isn’t needed to protect society. I am more concerned with my own safety than revenge or retribution. Placing murderers in prison for life is perfectly fine with me as it keeps me safe from them. Plus, the very idea of possibly executing someone wrongly convicted is simply awful

Having said that, I am going to place this entry out there simply as a statement of my feelings on Saddam Hussein. I can offer no rational reason or argument for the fact that while I am against Capital Punishment, I completely support his execution. This guy is evil incarnate. I hate to admit it, but I will be glad to see him hanged.

There are other despots out there that surely deserve to be tried, convicted and executed. But Saddam Hussein is the current grand prize winner in the evil category.

Just how many people did he murder?

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