Sunday, December 11, 2005

Quiet Sunday

Quiet Sunday around the house. Roommate left for base this morning and will be on duty for 24 hours. I'm under the weather and didn't go to the family reunion last night. I really hated missing it as it's the only time I get to see a lot of my relatives.

Since I'm not feeling well, I don't plan to leave the house. Spending the day so far cleaning and doing laundry. Plus, I've got some office paperwork to do and I need to pack later on since I'll be out of town all week for work. Sure hope I feel better in the morning.

Since I'll be out of town, I emailed CK to see if he will use the tickets for Wednesday night's basketball game.

DB called yesterday from Fantasy Fest but the signal kept breaking up. He always has a blast at those things. Someday I'm going to go to see what it's all about. Actually, DB was returning my call to his voice mail Friday evening. There's a book I'm trying to remember that I'd like to read again. I'm pretty sure DB was the one who recommended it to me almost 20 years ago but the title totally escapes me.

Taking a break from house chores, waiting for some pasta to boil (salad and pasta for lunch - easy on the system) and thought I'd jot a few lines down for the Journal.

Just turned on the TV and Starship Troopers is on. It's one of those guilty pleasure movies. Never admit to liking it, but it's fun to watch.

I think the pasta is about ready.

I may add to this later, depending on how I feel.

Monday Evening Addendum - 22:00

I'm in my hotel room in Winston-Salem and I've just finished a lot of paperwork from today's field work and setting up my files for tomorrow.

DB called. Talked a bit about his trip and the book I was looking for. I actually did some searches on the web Sunday night and I was able to find the book. Is there anything that Wikipedia doesn't have an entry on? LOL

Friday evening, JN and I got into a discussion about how Iraq would end up (civil war, unified, semi-autonomous regions, chaos, etc.?) and examples were drawn from the former Yugoslavia and USSR (obvious) as well as other examples. But with weaving in the potential effects of our US efforts over there to foster democratic reforms, constitution, etc. Which led to discussions on basic human nature and whether there are some innate human traits such as being concerned first with self and family, then extended family, then immediate community, and so own which possibly lead to tribal behavior, regionalism, along with prejudice, etc. Which led to pondering the nature of civilization, economic stability, poverty, political motivation, religion and so on. It was a wide ranging conversation.

You know, typical guy stuff.

(LOL - Man, I really need to get out more!)

Anyway - I was reminded of the novel which depicted a post limited nuclear war USA and how the aftermath affected society. The book, which I finally figured out Sunday night is Warday by Whitley Streiber. I think I read it maybe 15 years ago? Ordered a copy. Should arrive by mail by the time I get home at the end of the week.


Anonymous said...

Starship Troopers is The Shizzle!!

Anonymous said...

Friday evening, JN and I got into a discussion about how Iraq would end up

Or shall I say..........JN talked, I shook my head forever awaitng my opportunity to speak..............and still I wait =)

posts said...


I did get the occasional word in. Afterall, Newc did have to catch his breath and and drink his beer once in a while.