Monday, April 28, 2008

I've Decided

This weekend I read an article by Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor during the Clinton Administration. Mr. Lake points out that Barack Obama has more foreign policy experience (as a Senator and from more extensive travel, work and living throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East) than Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, or Jimmy Carter had before they became President. And, of course, far more than George W.

He further states that Obama has shown to have a steady demeanor during the campaign and says that Obama has the even keel and intellect that would serve him well as president.

That kind of reasoning resonates with me.

Also – my own observation is that Obama is similar to Ronald Reagan in that he communicates well and inspires. Qualities the President needs if he (or she) is to persuade Congress and the Country to follow a course of action – foreign or domestic.

Another observation is that Hillary Clinton screwed up royally by squandering a huge early poll lead and overwhelming campaign coffer. She seems to respond to her campaign missteps by firing people and ignoring the will of her party by ‘back room’ maneuvering to get Super Delegates to support her (NOT by having a plan).

It reminds me how she (and Bill) screwed up health care reform. Early arrogance followed by no back up plan.

Obama came from behind by determination and sticking to his message. Much in the same way that McCain did on the Republican side.

So – I’ve decided to vote for Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic Nomination for President of the United States in the North Carolina Primary next Tuesday.

I will be casting my vote at Deep River Elementary School - about a mile or so down the road from my home.

That – of course – is only my vote in the Primary.

I’m still undecided on who I will ultimately vote for in November.


In North Carolina - if you are not registered - You Can Still Vote!

You can register and vote at an Early Voting location through this Saturday, May 3.

Follow this State Board of Election link to find the Early Vote location in your county.

Vote for the Candidate of Your Choice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chuck says to tell all your friends how to vote as well! Further, he says Obama should go down and challenge Edwards to a basketball game.
mike of reston