Monday, April 10, 2006

Typical Weekend

Not much new on the home front this past week and weekend.

The more I drive my new car, the more I enjoy it. The SES trim level included larger tires and a stiffer suspension. The car is surprisingly sporty to drive. I’m very very happy with my purchase.

I had replacement speakers put in the doors this weekend. Why manufacturers won’t put in decent speakers in their cars is beyond me. I guess that would add a couple hundred dollars to the price and not everybody cares about decent sound. Had very efficient 2-way Infinity speakers installed since the factory radio unit doesn’t push very much power. The new speakers are a tremendous improvement over the factory speakers.

Around the house I did chores. Cleaned the garage, but have yet to start on the garage storage room. Did laundry and house cleaning. Planted a few hanging plants for the porch and deck. I also rinsed off both the front and back porches. Of course, the porches will be covered in new pollen in a day or two.

I didn't get around to cutting the grass. It'll still be there next weekend.

Hummingbirds are Back

I put out my hummingbird feeder each year around April 1st. Saw a pair of birds feeding last Friday. Hummingbirds are a lot of fun to watch. I get at least 2 pair every year. Their first set of offspring will show up around June or so.

My raccoon is also back feeding at the regular bird feeder. The bird feeder has spring loaded perch rods which keeps the squirrels from eating all the seed. The raccoon, being just large enough, stands on the deck railing and reaches out to grab the feeder, pull it towards her, and happily munches away. She only does this during the spring when she’s pregnant. She’ll keep raiding the feeder till her young have quit nursing and are on their way. The rest of the year – I never see her. She also hooks her left rear claws into the porch screen to help balance / brace. So – each year she wears a hole in the screen at the railing which I’ll end up replacing in the fall. It’s all part of the yearly cycle of living in the country.

And lastly, I used to feed the squirrels peanuts. As of 2 years ago I had as many as 5 that would come up to feed by hand. But when they decided to “help themselves” by gnawing holes in the window screens to get into the house (and to the bag of peanuts in the kitchen) – I decided it was time to cut them off and let them fend for themselves.

After 2 years though – there is one squirrel remaining out of the group that still remembers that I was a source of food. She keeps showing up when I’m outside and on the deck. I’ve made the mistake of starting to feed her again. She just trots right on up and hangs around when I’m outside until I get some peanuts and feed here a few by hand – then I throw the rest onto the deck for her to help herself. I was surprised that a wild squirrel would last 2+ years – and would remember that it was safe to take peanuts from my hand. I figure if she’s made it this long – I can help her out.

I’ll see if I can take a photo of the squirrel or raccoon or hummingbirds to post here.

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