Sunday, April 16, 2006

Great Weekend

Thursday was an extra day taken off. Spent cleaning the brick walkways of weeds.

Friday, finished the left over Thursday work and trimmed the rest of the house. Did laundry and other small household chores.

Wanted to go watch EIH go Easter Egg hunting but her Dad forgot to call. He travels during the week for work, so his weekends are pretty filled up. It's easy to let a phone call slide when your schedule is so full. Oh well, next year.

Saturday was spent lazing around the house. Changed the water in the hot tub. Cleaned up around the house a bit. JN and I went to Pittsboro and had lunch at S&J Soda Shoppe. What a cool place.

That evening, finished up the last of the Omaha Steaks birthday gift. Beef tips – grilled with yellow pepper, mushrooms, tomato and onion. Along with cold pasta salad and garlic bread. The steaks were great.

Thanks again sister, brother, sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

Sunday (today), friends invited JN and me to go boating and fishing on Harris Lake. Got there around 1300 and spent about 3 hours on the lake.

Thanks CP and SP.

It’s about 1930 and I’m just kicking back and listening to music.

What a great weekend.


The cordless phone / answering machine decided, completely on its own, to start working again.

It’s a mystery to me.

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