Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Phone is Smart. Not So Sure About the User :-)

My nephew (who works for Google) got his mom to switch to a smart phone / PDA.

This is my (very dear) sister who:

  • Got a website set up for her Marriage Celebrant business and then "forgot" she had it (this LINK goes to a review site - not her 'forgotten' site - lol)
  • Can't 'download' a simple file sent to her (such as a photo or Word document)
  • When she can't hear someone on the cell phone (such as in a loud restaurant) turns the speaker phone on in hopes of hearing and sending clearer. Yep - she really thinks that works!
  • Used to send out mass emails with the subject "blog" containing family updates (like those God awful Christmas letters). Thankfully she's quit doing that.
And so on.

When I saw this cartoon - I started laughing as I immediately thought of her.


井上エイド said...

I can name people younger than her that know far less abut the internet and computers than her,

She's not that bad. And she's gotten better. Much better.

posts said...

She is a LOT better.

I remember when I talked her into getting a digital camera. She fell in love with it, as she has always been a photo person.

Then when I showed her how to use Picassa - it was bit of a struggle - but when she got it - it was like a whole new world opened up for her.

Still - that cartoon instantly made me think of her and I got a big laugh out of it.

Anonymous said...

This is Sis! I do embrace the new technology--(though I swear the wrinkles the new knowledge creates in my gray matter, actually hurts when it's being processed!)
Indeed, the additional web memory (when ours is getting trickier to retrieve) is going to protect our reputations for a very long time. (And I love winning bets with my husband on factoids he has totally forgotten--and I can show him the info online.)