Thursday, August 05, 2010


I have a fireplace for which I buy a load of firewood each year.

I get the firewood delivered in the spring so it will have time to season for the following winter.

Here's this year's stack of wood ready for this winter. This is about the amount I'll burn during a typical winter. Sometimes a little less.

When discussing the drain field work and which trees needed to come down, GJ (Maple Hill Farms) said he'd have the guys cut up the usable wood and stack it. Later they'll bring a splitter and spit it up for me.

That's a great idea. Saves the cost of hauling off the wood. Plus - wood to burn.

Today, when I pulled in the driveway - I started laughing so hard my side hurt. The sight that greeted me struck me as "Holy Cow!" funny.

For scale - that stack is taller than I am!

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