Tuesday, December 23, 2008

NC State vs. Marquette

Tough Loss.

With the game tied - Marquette put up a 3 pointer with 0.4 seconds left.

Not much else to say. It was a very hard played game. Marquette is ranked for good reason.

State was right in there with them. Just like against Davidson - a slight step off - and one basket difference.


If you click on the photo and look at the floor - you'll see it looks like an old wood gym floor.

It is.

It's our old Reynolds Coliseum floor. Rebuilt to be removable for the RBC Center and Ice Hockey.

The original floor in the RBC was a high tech composite wonder. But after a few years, we rebuilt our old, old gym floor and started using it instead.

Every once in a while some genius comes up with the bright idea of going back to a high tech wood, composite or synthetic floor. They are quickly beaten, er, shown the error of their ways.


井上エイド said...

Won't that old wood warp and distort with the taking it off and the difference between the cold underneath and the heat above.

And if there are imperfections in the wood, won't that lead to strange bounces?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if they got a new floor, they might have better luck? I think that Cameron Indoor Arena might have an extra floor they can use . . .