Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Critter Update


Feral cats live in the country. There's a solid black cat that lives in the neighborhood which sometimes eats the raccoon food (which is actually dog food).

The black cat showed up with kittens last week. They are already wild and will hiss and run if you go out on the back deck. One was longish white hair with gray, one all long grey hair and one short hair tabby. Of course, I've been feeding them some milk for treats and have fed them some peanut butter from a spoon. Like the raccoons, they are wary and mostly wild.

They show up now and again - but not every day. Night before last I was sitting in the chair by the window reading when I heard a noise. Looked out the window and it was the gray kitten hissing at me. In it's own weird way, it was asking for food. I guess it hasn't learned any other way of communicating with humans.

So, I put out a little food for them and watched them play until I went to bed. The white with gray kitten was not with them.


I hadn't seen the raccoons for several days.

I keep dog food in the bowl but nobody has been by to eat for a couple of day.

Last night, around 10 PM, I went out to test the hot tub water.

Startled the dickens out of the raccoon who just happened to be coming up the deck steps at the same time. She froze (as we stared at each other from about 5 feet apart) and then when she realized it was "just me", she casually went on over to the food bowl while I went about getting the cover off the hot tub and testing the water.

Didn't see any little raccoons.

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