Sunday, July 15, 2007

Secret Squirrel

I feed the squirrels who live in the back yard. Lately they've gotten a little more aggressive in seeking handouts.

Yeah - I know - kinda lame. But Nuke sent me the photo and I needed some sort of lead in to post it.

On To the Real Post

Nuke is on his way up to visit. He has a dentist appointment Monday.

As will I.

One of my front crowns popped off Friday night / Saturday morning. I woke up around 2 AM with the crown in my mouth. No pain or anything - but dammed annoying. Left a message with my dentist.

I've stuck the crown back on and it stays in place except when I floss.

I've got an all day Final Inspection for a building at NCSU Monday and I'll be in Charlotte Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I hope my dentist can find a spot for me Tuesday - the only day I'll have available.

Picked up steaks and sweet potatoes to grill later today. I've done my chores for the day; grocery shopping, some laundry and vacuuming. Listening to music and lazing around the house for the rest of the day.

Other than than the crown, pretty much the same old same old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great pic!
