ADH, MIH, EIH have left for Tokyo via NoVa. Saturday, E had her last day at Japanese School here in Raleigh and a little going away event. Not exactly a party but something like that. After school all 3 headed up to ADH’s parents (my sister and brother-in-law).
Brother (CA) and sister-in-law (BA) and niece (CAM) and nephew-in-law (CM) and their new baby (M&M – age 5 month) all came down Saturday for the graduation from NCSU of BA’s niece. I met up with them for breakfast.
First time I’ve gotten to see the newest great niece M&M.
Everybody always thinks the babies in their families are cute. The truth is, some are, some aren’t. In this case M&M is a really really cute baby.
I had my camera with me, but in the excitement of getting to the restaurant and sitting around and talking – I forgot to take photos!!!!
Anyway – everybody left for their respective homes after breakfast and I’ve been puttering around this afternoon.
It’s very quiet around the house.
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