Thursday, February 02, 2006

NC State Wins a Close One

NC State vs. Virginia game was a nail biter. Worn out by the game and then I still had the long drive back home. When I got home, I watched the second half of the Duke at Boston College game which also went down to the wire.

Getting all fired up and excited by the games made it hard to fall asleep. So I picked up a book I’ve been trying to finish and finally made my way to the end of it.

There are a lot of books that everybody knows about but few have actually read. How many people have actually read Moby Dick, War and Peace, Atlas Shrugged, Finnegans Wake, The Fountainhead or any other 'classics'? I’ve actually slogged my way through those, and, unfortunately squandered a lot of time on Ayn Rand. When I say squandered, that’s not to dismiss her philosophy (a lot of which I agree with) – it’s simply that her writing ability was just awful.

Here’s my all time favorite example – just about everyone can toss off the cliché “Machiavellian” – but who has actually read The Prince?

The book I finally finished is The Man in the High Castle. Won all sorts of awards when it was published in 1962. Cult classic; a favorite of the sophomoric literati.

The book has a very good premise, but well written prose it’s not. Actually, it’s mediocre for most of the book until you get to the end where it completely falls apart and just plain sucks.

I usually pass along books after I’ve read them. But, I don’t want to inflict this one on anyone. I think I’ll just toss it.

FYI - I use seems to be more straightforward and less clutter than Amazon.

Happy Birthday

Boze - Happy Groundhog Day


Anonymous said...

I am proud to say that I ain't never finished no Ayn Rand books. Notta one of them. She is awfulistic, and then some.


Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to finish the Hardy Boys series.