Sunday, August 02, 2015

Weekend Update 2 AUG 2015


Busy day.

Got up early and replaced the center console armrest on my Focus. It broke recently - instead of being level it droops forward. According to the internetubewebs, there are plastic tabs that frequently break. Also, the armrest lid latch broke a few years ago.

Bought a replacement unit off ebay ($60) and it was at the front door when I got home from work Friday.

Didn't take long to replace and the new (used) part is the exact color and works perfectly.

Then went for a late breakfast at Virle's in Pittsboro. Virle's is always crowded on the weekends. Used to be a 'hole in the wall' that no one knew about. Then, Pittsboro started getting trendy and now all the retired Yankees, yuppies, and young Republican families have 'discovered' it. Today though, it wasn't too crowded as I got there late - around 10:00 or 10:30.

Once home, mowed the grass in the front, along the road and the upper field. I'll finish the side and back yards tomorrow.


Finished mowing the grass.

Went to Ruby Tuesday for lunch (they email me coupons).

Now home, doing laundry and waiting for the race to start on TV.

Routine weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Livin' the dream!!!!'