Thursday, June 11, 2015

Is This Boring or What?

I feel a bit guilty when not posting for a while. It's like I'm being lazy. But the truth is, work is so routine and at home it's just routine housework - there really is nothing worth posting about.

Here's about the only two things that have happened outside of my go to work and then come home routine.

I bought a new hummingbird feeder.

The squirrels broke my old one. They try to get at the sugar water and rip off the metal 'flowers' and from jumping on and off it - they half tore off the wire perches.

On previous feeders, they've knocked them completely off the hooks where they've broken from hitting the deck.

A typical feeder lasts 2 years. Three if I'm lucky.

I hope this one lasts for a while. The wide jar opening will make it a lot easier to clean. Plus, the plastic bottom part looks a lot heavier duty than all the other feeders I looked at. Got it from Lowe's Home Improvement for about $15.00.

I was vacuuming and when I went to move a lamp - it disintegrated!

Well, not the whole lamp - the ballast for the base.

It's a halogen lamp I've have for almost 18 years. When I picked it up to move, all this concrete and plastic fell off the bottom.

There was a plastic base mounted under the chrome plate. The plastic was filled with concrete. The plastic has become so brittle it just breaks apart in your hand. And the concrete was the same - it practically falls apart into sand when you touch it. About a third is still in the lamp base, sort of. And two-thirds just fell apart on the floor.

It's too bad it came apart. I really liked that lamp.

So that's it.

The only two things that have happened in the past month or so that are even remotely worth posting about.

Is this boring or what?



Ward said...

Actually, I was on the edge of my seat wondering what came next. We put up a hummingbird feeder and are trying to decide if the birds are really using it. Lots of drama here too.

Anonymous said...

Boring is highly under-rated!
Good going :)
mike of reston

井上エイド said...

I await the followup post to your hummingbird feeder to see if it lasts. Two years from now.

posts said...

Being larger and more robust - the squirrels are able to climb all over it.

Plus, the larger reservoir at the bottom readily stays full of sugar water. So, when the squirrels are on it, it tilts, and the nectar spills out the 'flower holes'. Being a learned response - the squirrels know they can get sugar water - and they are on the new feeder much more frequently than the older ones.

So far however, it's holding up well.

Unknown said...

why not just leave the squirrels a bowl of their own water.
