Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday 17 MAY 2015

Another broken record entry - Nothing to talk / blog / post about.

Just simply the usual boring daily stuff. Nothing of interest at all.

My friend, JTN, who spends the winter in the garage bonus room has left to go to his coastal condo for the summer. When he's here, I can't do a dammed thing on weekend mornings. He sleeps till noon or later and dealing with his displeasure on being woken up is NOT worth it.

Since he's gone - I get to actually accomplish morning stuff!

It's late on Sunday morning. Already this mooring I've gone out for breakfast. Did some grocery shopping. Vacuumed the living room. Went through the week's mail.

I've spent the last hour or so vegging on the couch, reading Internet news and stuff. Listening to RadioParadise (computer linked to the stereo).

I'll probably do some more cleaning chores in a bit. I might head to Raleigh to walk around Artsplosure. Then again - possibly not. The traffic and parking will be awful. And I've been to so many - it's kind of the same thing over and over.

I like having company during the winter. I also like getting stuff done when I've got the house to myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to those we love and whom we love, it's paradise to have peaceful solo time! :)