Sunday, September 08, 2013

No Highlights

I spent the weekend in Southport visitng Nuke and the dogs. Gave my football tickets to Chip and Gmail - hope they found someone to go with them.

First home NCSU football game I've missed in years.

Watched it online (ESPN3). Geez - very exciting. And not in a good way. State pulled the game out of their arse with a field goal in the last 33 seconds.

No highlights for this game. Usually when you have four or more turnovers (2 int - 2 fumbles) you lose. On the positive side - the boys hung in there and did not give up.

Space Aliens

Speaking of arse.

I went to the Space Aliens (gastroenterologist) this week for my consultation to set up my Anal Probe (colonoscopy). Boy, am I looking forward to this - NOT. Oh well - do not want cancer - so it is what it is.

Photo is Nuke and Dave waking along the river in downtown Wilmington. It was a beautiful Saturday.

1 comment:

chppy said...

did you get to ride i n Dave's e-lectric car...........