Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekend Update 11-17-2012 +Addendum


Waiting for the NC State at Clemson game to start. Clemson is a 17 point favorite. That’s 2 touchdowns and a field goal. Sounds about right.


Before the game, I watched Moonrise Kingdom on dvd. Great movie.

Finally, Wes Anderson makes a movie worth the hype.

Anderson is one of the, strike that, the most overrated director currently working. His movies are pretty good, and quirky, but nowhere near worth their hype. Let me say it again to be clear - he's good - just not that good. But - Moonrise Kingdom? Really, really good. Finally.

In 50 or 100 years when cinema (or its equivalent) is being taught in college (or its equivalent), the Coen Brothers will be held as the epitome of movie making in our age. Wes Anderson will be a well deserved footnote – but a footnote none the less.

Make sure you watch it through the credits. There's a little orchestra lesson in there for you.


Clemson 62 - NC State 48. Fourteen point difference - that part is pretty close to expected. But 62 to 48? Yikes!

Normally, if a football team scores 48 points - they've crushed their opponent. Not this game.

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