Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Christine O’Donnell is a [bleeping] Idiot

Christine O’Donnell does not believe / know that Separation of Church and State and Freedom of Religion are in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Here’s 8 minutes of video so you can see for yourself. She is not being humorous, not being sardonic or sarcastic and she is not being quoted out of context.

“Where in the Constitution is the separation of Church and State?” @ 2:45.

“You’re telling me that the separation of Church and State is found in the First Amendment?” starting @ 5:25.

By the way Christine, since you’re so ignorant, here’s another little bit of information that might surprise you: The first 10 Amendments are called “The Bill of Rights”.

Rights, Christine; The Bill of Rights! The right to believe and worship as you wish. The right NOT to have government dictate religion.

What a stupid [bleeping] idiot.

1 comment:

Ward said...

What's the problem. She seems to me to be a perfect career politician. I think the best ones are not confused by intelligence or facts. I think I can name a bunch.