Friday, July 17, 2009

Feeding Mama Raccoon

A short video of feeding one of the raccoons that visit the house. I didn't do any editing. My camera records in .mov format and I don't have any apple editing programs.

I've been experimenting with some online video conversion sites - to convert to .wmv - which is the Microsoft format - for which I do have an editor. But so far, the quality of the converted file is seriously degraded.

So - in this case, I uploaded the raw video.

This is the routine - I get home from work - she shows up and bangs the screen door - I (or Nuke) feed her.

She has us well trained.

If it's raining, we put the food bowl inside the screened porch and prop open the porch door with the block of wood you see sitting on the deck.

Like I said - well trained.

Oh, a quick note about my asking her about her arm. She injured her left arm - she had been limping for a couple of days. No outward sign of damage and nothing looks broken. She's walking a lot better now. Seems to have been a minor injury that is just about healed.

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