Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2009 ACC Football Schedule

I really like the Football Helmet Schedule. As always - click on the image for a larger view.

Analog Person

I'm kind of like the cliche - I'm an analog person in a digital world.

I downloaded the image to my pc. Where I then tried to upload it to this blog. Which on every attempt, I got an error message. Something to the effect that the file is corrupt.

Besides being a bit insulting - the message really didn't give me much to go on to fix the problem.

Wondering if the file had a virus or something - I ran it through a couple of anti-virus programs. Nope - nothing wrong here.

So - I went back to the original web site and downloaded a new copy. Tried to upload the new file to this blog. Same result.

After a few attempts - I finally decided that maybe the problem was that the image was .pdf format and maybe that doesn't work with blogger. So - I opened the file with Adobe Acrobat and then saved a copy in .jpg format.

Bingo! No problems uploading.

I guess these are things that some people just 'know'. But for me - it's a struggle.

On the other hand - why couldn't the error message tell me something useful - like - "blogger does not support .pdf format" - or even just a generic "the file format you are uploading is not supported". The message telling me the file might be corrupt was pretty much misleading. Granted, it made me aware that the file wasn't going to upload - but heck - I thought that I might have downloaded a file with a virus or something.

I just hope when the time comes - my walker is manual and not digital.

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