Saturday, June 13, 2009


Two years ago I put fabric and wood chips around the house. The idea was to have landscaping beds. It looked great for about a year. But then, the chips start to decay which creates soil on top of the fabric - which became the home for a yard full of weeds! It looked awful.

So, this spring and early summer, I’ve been removing the fabric and chips. Still looking for something more natural than grass – I’ve planted white dutch clover. So far – it looks like I’ve found the answer.

Clover will only grow to about 4 to 6 inches in height. It can also be mowed for when I’d like a manicured lawn look – but normally – it’s best to just let the clover grow to its natural size.

Clover extracts nitrogen from the air so fertilizer isn’t needed. Once it grows dense enough, it usually will choke out weeds. It has a deep root system so it resists draught conditions. Clover grows and spreads under just about any condition – full sun, partial shade, total shade. It’s even growing like crazy under the back deck. So it looks like I’ll have a nice cool green cover even under the deck instead of the typical dismal bare dirt.

Plus – it’s a natural food for deer, rabbits and other small critters.

It’s working. For the past week, I’ve seen a whole bunch of bunnies eating in the front year in the morning when I go to work. Friday morning I counted 6.

I’ll try and get a photo.

Speaking of yard work – my farking lawn mower died. Nuke said it quit on him last time he mowed. I started it up this weekend – was mowing – and the same thing happened. It just died. Wouldn’t restart. I’ve been tinkering with it but no luck.

So – I’m headed over to Lowes in Pittsboro in a while to pick up a new riding lawn mower. Plus, one of the guys that works there does small engine repair and also does volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity and such. He’s going to take my old mover – repair it – and donate to either a family that needs a mower or will sell it at the Habitat Store in Pittsboro.

And - my TV is trying to die. The picture / screen goes away every so often and I have to shut it off and let it rest for a while. It's happening more and more frequently. Unfortunatly, looks like I'll be buying a new TV as well.

A thousand here, a thousand there - pretty soon - this is going to start to add up.

1 comment:

井上エイド said...

Which TV is dying? If you replace it, are you going to try to go digital to save money (on cable HDTV)? Now that analog has been phased out in the U.S., they've tuned their digital antennas and moved them higher up the towers (as well as increased their transmission strength).