Sunday, June 08, 2008

Middle of the Day


One of the raccoons just showed up in the middle of the day. She's a lot smaller around than she used to be - I think she had her kits recently. Possibly the heat and the fact that she knows food and water is here brought her out at high noon.

That's ice and water in the little water bowl to the left.

She likes to eat ice.



It must be the heat. She ate all the ice and drank most of the water but only ate a little food.

It's 102 today, 100 yesterday and the day before.

I'll put out a bigger bowl of water for them during this heat wave.


Anonymous said...

Just leave the door open, turn on the AC, open the fridge and give them the tv remote.

Ice in the water bowl? Life is slow in Moncure.

Anonymous said...

Mammals (at least the human ones) eat ice when in labor :)
Watch out for the little ones!
mike of reston

Anonymous said...

We were at the Nationals' game Sunday --at least the seats were shaded. Still, the sweating went on and the team scored (unlike the night before!) but still lost.
mad dogs and englishmen!
mike of reston