Saturday, May 20, 2006

Awesome is an Overused Word

Saturday AM, delivered the lawn mower to the local small engine repair shop. Gene works out of a shop at his house and is one of the last old time small country businesses.

If it’s gas or diesel powered, he’ll fix it. Not a shade tree mechanic – he does everything by the book and is an authorized warranty service technician for multiple small engine manufacturers such as Briggs & Stratton and Honda.

Each year, I take the mower to him for a ‘tune up’. He’ll replace the spark plug, sharpen the blade, replace the air and gas filters, change the oil, clean and adjust the carburetor and anything else the mower needs.

It’ll cost me a whopping $35 +/-.

He only works during the week, so you fill out a tag (in the box by the door), wire twist ties attach the tag to the machine, and leave it under the shelter in front of the shop. Gene will call and leave a message when it’s time to pick it up. Usually in 1 or 2 days. 3 if he has to have a part or kit delivered.

My last mower’s body housing rusted completely away with age (8 years) but it ran perfectly till the end because Gene kept it in tip top shape.

Now that I have a garage and equipment storage, the current (3 years old) mower should last me till Gene retires.

On to breakfast and to Artsplosure.

Artsplosure has really gone upscale in the past few years. Very few ‘crafts’ from the Arts and Crafts vendors. Mostly art in the hundreds and up range. Some of it way up. And, the music has gone way beyond local bands now.

JN and I were getting ready to leave when a Latin band from Miami was setting up on the main stage. We hung around to listen to a song or two before heading out.

Stayed for the whole set.

Awesome is an overused word – but JavierGarcia was Awesome!

Usually at any given performance, a couple hundred people will listen to a band for a while, and then mosey on during the set.

After just 15 or 20 minutes of Javier starting up – the main stage area was packed shoulder to shoulder with people listening and dancing.

It’s Latin. Not Salsa. I don’t know what the category is – but they were just simply awesome. The crowd (of a couple thousand or more) demanded an encore. I’ve never seen that before at Artsplosure.

These guys not only make fantastic music – they really enjoy themselves. The bass player especially enjoys playing.

Listening to them, the feeling and fun, and the crowd response reminded me of the time JCK and I saw Wilson Pickett at one of the very first Artsplosures - gosh - 20+ years ago.

I hope they make it big time.

‘Caines were down 2 – 1 second period last time I heard. Wonder if they came back and won? I didn’t receive a text message from ADH so I’m guessing they lost. Need to check.


In the short time it took to compose this entry, the sky has gone from clear to a serious dark thunderstorm with lightening and a blowing downpour. I'm on the porch with the laptop and need to run inside. Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to miss 'Splosure for the 2nd year in a row b/c of my crappy work schedule. But luckily the State's Powerbal;l lottery begins in 3 weeks. Once I wiin that, its off to Sleazy Street for me!

Jay See Kay