Monday, January 09, 2006

Monday, January 9

Pretty routine weekend. I did some house cleaning. JN went to his house in Durham and took care of some of his household chores. Watched some basketball and football.

Just a normal weekend: no fires, no trees falling on the house. Boring routine can be good!

State lost to UNC Saturday. Watching the game, I felt that State was the better team, but UNC would play really well in spurts and they got on a roll at the end. Even though they lost, State was impressive. I think we could go far in the NCAA Tournament if the guys stay healthy and play like they're capable of.

Sunday, the Panthers beat the Giants in the Wild Card game. The Panther's defense was awesome. The Giants helped beat themselves as well. Many errors on the Giant's part. Carolina plays at Chicago next Sunday. Should be a good game.

Watched a couple of movies this weekend. The Aviator was mediocre. The part of Howard Hughes was seriously miscast. If they had the right actor for the part, it could have been a very good movie.

Also saw the first 3 chapters of Angels in America. I had decided not to finish watching it after the first chapter, but an acquaintancence encouraged me to keep on with it. Said that it really was worth putting in the effort. After JN got back from Durham, we watched all 3 hours of disc 1 in one sitting. At the end of Chapter 3, it looks like it's going to really pick up.

Living out in the country, it's easier to use a service such as Netflix. I had dropped 2 dvd's into the mailbox on Friday and Angles in America was my third disc. JN was incredulous that I only had disc 1 at the house and that we'd have to wait for disc 2 to arrive this week! "You know, if a movie is in two parts, some people would have the sense to get both of them." More or less . . . .


Work this week should be pretty good. Everybody is scheduled to be out in the field all week so I've got the office to myself. Today was very productive without any distractions. I expect the rest of the week will be just as good.

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