Sunday, September 03, 2017

Calm Down And Step Away From The Edge

Bad calls are a part of the game.

Yet, I don't care for play reviews. I'd have play reviews only if a coach calls for one - and coaches would be limited to two per half (and lose a time out if the play is not overturned).

Anyway -

In spite of instant replay and play reviews - two blatant (of many) bad calls cost NC State dearly.

The opening kickoff runback - SC would have been tackled except for the "how the [bleep] did the ref not see it" hold by SC. A big time hold - not even close. That's one score that would not have happened.

The second bad call (of many) was the missed pass interference in the fourth quarter. It was another "how the [bleep] did you not see that?" It wasn't even close - it was flagrant. No flag. Instead of 15 yards and a first down - we had to punt.

Add in two State turnovers giving SC very short yardage for gift wrapped touchdowns - and you have a loss. In spite of vastly outplaying SC.

This article on SB Nation sums it up really well - The Morning After with Omega. Great analysis - and the last paragraph sums up my thoughts exactly.

I wish the loss had been to someone else. I really hate losing to ECU-Columbia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spot on.
NC State really outdid itself in yards run in the end