Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday July 20, 2014

I've promised myself to post once a week to keep my writing skills up and to keep this blog active.

Unfortunately, there's really nothing much worth posting about.

Work has been absolutely routine this week.

Code Class

I've been taking the Building Inspection Level 1 Class that started the beginning of June. It runs to the end of July. It's held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 PM to 9 PM. I will also need to take the Building Inspection Law and Administration Class. Then I'll take the State exam.

The course is going well and I'm learning a lot. I understand the exam is along the lines of how quickly one can find rule references in a short amount of time. Supposedly there is about a minute and a half to answer each question. I'm looking forward to getting done with the class and taking the test.

Then the Level II and Level III classes and exams follow.

NCSU Football

The ACC Football Kick Off starts today. It's the annual coaches and press and ACC officials get together.

State went 3 and 9 last year. It was a dreadful season. Our, less than mediocre, quarterback got injured in the first game - along with a ton of other injuries. And the season went downhill from there.

The only place left to go is up. I'm hoping for a 6 and 6 record. Honestly, we could very likely end up between 4 and 8 and 5 and 7. Anything 6 and 6 or better will be a dramatic improvement.

We really did have a bad to mediocre team. Former Coach O'Brien really let us down.

Still, I'm looking forward to going to the games. It's a fun time to hang out with Chip, Weeble and Nuke.

NCSU Basketball

There was a short article in the newspaper last week about basketball. Odds and ends - an interview with Coach Gott.

One thing that came out was about BeeJay Anya. As a freshman Anya showed up last year way overweight from when he was recruited (recruited at 275). In Section 129, we affectionately refer to him as Yum Yum. He huffed and puffed his way up and down the court - and still lit up the place with slam dunks and some super blocks. Even with all his weight, you could tell he's one heck of a player and that's why Gott recruited him.

Anyway - Gott pointed out that Yum Yum was 340 (at least) last year. He is now down to around 320. And has a target to be around 280 when the season starts.

This kid has the potential to be a monster basketball player. With a year's experience and dropping almost 80 pounds - look to hear a lot about him once the basketball season starts.

Ship Clock

Had to take Dad's ship clock to the shop a while back. Got it back this week. Can't recite what was wrong with it but was told it was just a broken part due to age. I know what that's like.

Runs great.

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