Friday, October 11, 2013

Confused Hummingbird

I had about 4 hummingbirds this summer. They have left to migrate south for the winter. Except for one small one - a male I think. He didn't get the memo it was time to leave. I've seen him every morning and evening by himself for the last couple of weeks.

If he doesn't leave soon - he'll be stuck here for the winter.

I'll keep the hummingbird feeder full for as long as he's around. But I seriously doubt he can survive the winter here. Maybe if we were at the coast where it seldom gets below freezing - but here - I just don't think he'll be able to get past January and February.

I hope he takes off. Really soon.


Had to buy a new range.

The computer control board in my original range malfunctioned - and Whirlpool quit making the replacement boards in 2011. So, I was forced to fork out about $1,500 for a new stove.

I went for the glass top one. So far, I really like it. Much easier to clean and the elements (small dots instead of coils) heat up instantly.

Nice range - but the older one was fine and I wish it had been repairable.

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