Sunday, February 05, 2012

Superbowl Weekend Update 2012


Saturday State beat Wake Forest. It was a 1 PM game so Nuke and I went early to the RBC Center Arena Club for brunch. It's really not worth it - more of something to do once in a while. Think Hotel Sunday buffet food and prices. $20 for brunch Saturday. $30 for dinner buffets / night games. Plus $6 beers. You get the idea. I go maybe once a year.


I have a new project in Fayetteville. It's located less than a mile from LaFayette Memorial Park where mom and dad are buried. I stopped by there Friday and took this photo:

I think the artificial flowers were put there by my aunt and uncle. They're older now and it's more difficult for them to visit grave sites - hence the artificial flowers instead of more frequent fresh flowers.

I'd rather the occasional fresh flowers, but some people prefer some sort of flower (artificial) at the grave all the time. Actually, fresh or artificial, it really doesn't matter. Whatever makes Aunt E and Uncle R happy works for me.


Waiting for the Superbowl to start. I'm not a professional football fan. College - Oh Yeah! Pro? No. But I do watch the playoffs.

1 comment:

Ward said...

RBC? No, no, no. It is PNC now. Gotta keep up dude.