Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Don't Believe It Except It Happened

Running errands this morning - grocery store, haircut, etc. and I'm finally headed home on South US 1 Freeway.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see, pooft, a wasp comes shooting out of the center AC vent of the dashboard.

And he's pissed. Really, really, pissed. Someone's going to pay for this little journey he's been on - and that someone is me.

So he's trying to sting me around the head and I'm swatting away at him.

At 65 mph on the freeway.

He's finally going for my right ear and I swat the ever loving shit out of him.

Along with the wasp - I get my glasses with the same swat. Which come flying off my face, bounce off the steering wheel, and go flying out the window.

At 65 mph on the freeway.

I. Can't. Belive. What. Just. Happened!

Fortunately, I keep 30 day contact lenses at home - and I've got 3 sets left. So I'm good till I can get some new glasses made.

Also fortunately, the rest of the drive was straight down the freeway with just a mile or so driving the country road to my house. My astigmatism is so bad - I can't even see the dashboard in front of me. It's all just a blur of grey, black and some white. I can't even read the signs along the road. Not talking about the speed limit signs - I'm talking about the big overhead and exit signs.

And - I'm out the hundreds new glasses will cost.

Stupid wasp.

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