Sunday, April 17, 2011


The storm started quite quickly.

I could hear the thunder as the weather approached - then, when it started, the rain was tremendous. I closed the doors to the back deck but left the kitchen door to the porch open.

Within a minute, I heard what sounded like distant rolling thunder that kept going on and on and on. Instantly you know what that sound is - and I headed for the guest bathroom in the middle of the house.

I had grabbed a phone and was talking with Jason asking him if he could hear the noise through the phone when the power and phone went down.

Today, it appears what I was hearing was the storm passing east of where I live. I haven't been over there - but there have been a steady stream of power trucks headed over in that direction.

It appears that the particular storm cell I heard started with touchdowns in Moore County, Sanford, Broadway, passing east of my neighborhood and the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, then touching down again in Holly Springs. It appears it's the same cell that touched down along Saunders Street in Raleigh, then passing over and through downtown Raleigh and then heading on to NE North Carolina.


The damage in the video is south of me in Sanford itself.

At my house, the whole storm event was over in less than an hour. Unfortunately for for many in NC, the aftermath won't be over for quite a while.

Neil Young

My intended post for this weekend was to have been about going to see Neil Young Friday evening. DB hooked me up with a ticket.

We've seen Neil Young many times. This show was a solo performance. It had some really great moments. Overall though, I'd have to rate the show as OK / Good.

The Durham Performing Arts Center is a wonderful venue.


1 comment:

井上エイド said...

Glad you're okay. Been following the storms from afar. Looks like they skipped over most of NCSU and Red Hat.