Tuesday, August 11, 2009

NCSU Ticket Math

My NCSU Football season tickets arrived today.

Also – I recently received a mailing from the Wolfpack Club alerting me that Basketball Season Ticket Renewal Packages for the upcoming season will be mailed shortly.

About this time each year I do a little math.

2009 Football Season Tickets were $1,456.00 for 4 seats per game for 8 home games (including a parking space).

2009 – 2010 Basketball Season Tickets will be $1,143.00 for 2 seats per game for 16 home games (including a parking space).

Plus, I have to pay $600.00 per year for my Life Time Rights – i.e. the “right” to keep the same seats in football and basketball year after year.

Plus, I have to “donate” $420.00 per year to the Wolfpack Club.

Anyway – it all adds up to $3,619.00 per year.

With me so far?

For football it breaks down like this –

$1,456.00 for tickets + $400.00 annual LTR payment for 4 seats + $210.00 (½ of my annual donation) = $2,066.00

$2,066.00 divided by 32 (8 games x 4 tickets per game) = $64.56 for each ticket

For basketball it breaks down like this –

$1,143.00 for tickets + $200.00 annual LTR payment for 2 seats + $210.00 (½ of my annual donation) = $1,553.00

$1,553.00 divided by 32 (16 games x 2 tickets per game) = $48.53 per each ticket

Of course, it doesn’t matter to me how it’s divvied up – I still have to pay the $3,619.00 regardless.

I'm a Get to the Point / What's the Bottom Line kind of guy.

So another way to do the math is to divide the total amount by the total number of tickets.

$3,619.00 divided by 64 tickets = $56.54 per ticket.

Chip and Nuke owe me some serious ass kissing.

At the very least they could bring me a lemonade or iced tea from the concession stand.


Waaaaay back when Boze and I graduated from State and started getting Football Season Tickets - I think it was something like $120.00 per season ticket and the Wolfpack Club Dues were $100.00 - which Dave and I split. Basically - for a long time I remember it was around $300.00 per year for football. I couldn't afford basketball tickets back then.

Now, just the parking space costs more than the Wolfpack Club Dues / tickets / everything was back then.


Due to the Recession

My annual LTR payments and annual donation payments are drafted monthly from my checking account ($50 and $35).

Then – each year I’d have to write a big check in May for the upcoming football tickets and each September another check for the upcoming basketball tickets.

I have always wished there was a way they could draft ticket costs each month – sort of like a Christmas Club savings account thing.

Due to W’s recession / damn near depression - Starting this past spring – The Wolfpack Club offered the option to pay for season tickets in installments – 3 months for football (starting last May) and now 3 months for basketball (starting in September).

That makes it a whole lot easier than writing 2 big checks each year. Now they just charge your credit card.

Due to overwhelmingly positive response - I’ve been told that the Wolfpack Club is going to continue the installment payment plan even after the economy improves.

As Martha would say - That’s a good thing.

1 comment:

Fritz said...


I would definately kick in a lemonade/iced tea plus a bbq sandwich or popcorn.

22 days left here,
