Around 0300 a neighborhood kid driving home hit a deer in front of the house. The commotion woke up Nuke.
The deer was mortally injured but not dead so Nuke had to end it’s suffering with the .45. The kid was a little shaky but was able to assist Nuke in hanging up the carcass in a tree and Nuke bled it out.
Went to Ray’s Supermarket at 0800 to see if the butcher (Kevin) wanted it but they already have more than they need on hand.
So, we loaded up the deer in the trailer and took it over to the Carnivore Preservation Trust. They welcome fresh kill under 24 hours old. Especially if it’s been bled out. (Bleeding the animal keeps the blood, which turns acidic, from souring the taste of the meat.)
We pulled into CPT just as a bunch of parents and their kids were arriving for the morning tiger walk / tour.
Hmmm . . . . In retrospect, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to announce to the kids that they were just in time to watch Scar eat Bambi.
Just now got back (1030).
All in a morning's work. Although JTN did the vast majority of it.
After posting the above entry, Nuke went with me to Raleigh to pick up the Focus which CK has been using while he worked on getting a new vehicle (his little Volkswagen convertible lost an argument with a large land yacht).
I went to the grocery store and ran other errands.
Nuke took off in the Focus to run some of his errands and to pick up The Queen on DVD. Once we watch that today and The Departed (from Netflix), we will have seen all movies nominated for this year's Best Picture except for Letters From Iwo Jima. For what it's worth, I really liked Babel.
I'm watching NC State get manhandled by Florida State.
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