Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tired Raccoon



This is one of my friends who visit me every afternoon. She, and one other one, live pretty close by.

This one had a bunch of her fur worn off behind her head to the front part of her body. It looked like she had gotten trapped in something and had a hard time getting free. The fur's grown back. But as you can see, she's got a lot of gray.

I think she's getting pretty old. Her behavior seems to be pretty tired - she pants a lot in the heat and she just seems run down all the time.

She's always been a bit neurotic. Extremely skittish - which is a good thing for a raccoon around humans. But she's always been far more nervous than the other raccoons. She's still the same way - but she's gotten a lot slower in the past year or so.

I believe she's had her littler of kitts. She appears to be nursing. I think her den is right in my back yard (heavily wooded) or not far from it. Hopefully she'll be able to raise this year's offspring.

Here's a photo of the other, younger and much healthier looking, raccoon.

I think this one is a female too - but I'm not sure.

This one is far more laid back. Not a pet by any means - but she's far more comfortable around me than the other one.

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