On vacation with a group of friends – cruise ship to the western Caribbean.
The ship's modem connection is unbelievably slow. As in 45 kbs. So, these entries will be short. I’ll add more plus photos later so check back next week.
Flight down was right on time and uneventful.
I used to fret about getting to the airport on time and connections and things. Which - with the super efficient, valuable and worthwhile TSA - can be a good thing to have extra time. But as I get older, I just really don't care as much. Missed plane? There'll be another one.
I really thought I had allotted plenty of time to get to the airport and go through the longer Thanksgiving weekend insecurity lines. Still - when we got to the gate I asked when they would begin boarding.
"Going to Ft. Lauderdale?"
"Get On The Plane!"
Annnnnd - we're off!
(In all fairness - TSA at RDU really was efficient. The long lines moved quickly. Ineffective - but efficient. Your tax dollars at work.)
Usual first day on board. Everybody is excited. For Chip and Erica – their very first cruise vacation.
Watermelon soup, salad, prime rib and cream filled pastry for dessert.
Key West is the first stop.
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