Nuke'em is abandoning the Lord! [Street Apartments]
And moving back to Moncure.
I took the truck and trailer and made a one day trip down to Southport and back. Left home at 1000 and got back just as it was getting dark.
Jason is staying in St. James Plantation with his folks to tie up some loose ends and will be up next week.
He's got a job offer with an Oil exploration company. It's seismic exploration and rather high tech. The job will keep him in the field for 6 weeks and then off for 3 weeks. The postings are mostly overseas and the company will fly him to and from the States for his off weeks. His first assignment looks to be Algeria.
He's pretty excited. This sort of job appeals to him. Since he's spent his career up to now in the Army, it's nothing to him to pack up and head for some far off place. I think the sense of adventure and seeing exotic places appeals a lot to him. Plus, they are going to pay him some pretty decent $.
Since he'll be on assignment 2/3 of the time - it makes sense to quit the Southport apartment. So - he's moving back to base out of his apartment over the garage.
Even though it was 6+ hours driving today, it was broken up into 2 segments with loading and lunch in between. That made it seem more like 2 moderate drives. I'm a bit tired but not overly so.
As soon as I got home - mama raccoon showed up at the back door and demanded food. She now opens the screen door and lets it slam shut to call me out to fill up the food plate.
Getting ready to sit down and watch some college football.
Listened to the first half of the State at Miami game on the way down. Listened to the 4th quarter and overtime on the drive back.
Exciting game.
State won 19 - 16 in overtime.
That makes 3 games in a row that we were supposed to lose but won.
Next Saturday (Sunday 11/4 Addendum)
UNC comes to Carter-Finley next Saturday - noon kickoff.
Both UNC and State are 'down' this year with losing conference and overall records. We both have brand new highly touted coached. Both fired alumni coaches last year.
Both teams won yesterday.
Both teams are starting to show some signs of life and the potential of better things to come. State should be favored - the first time this year (except for the Division II Wofford game).
Even though the game means nothing in the conference this year - or anywhere else for that matter - with the way both teams are suddenly starting to play a lot better - the anticipation and excitement is building.
I took a look at the on line ticket resale sites. Ticket prices for a game between teams with losing records are ridiculous. In the hundreds.
Carter-Finley will be rocking and intense.
Plans are to hook up with some friends for tailgating around 1000.
I can hardly wait.
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