The FedEx guy drove up right after I got home from work.
The Football Tickets have arrived. It’s official – I can now start boring all my friends and family about NCSU sports.
I look forward to going to the football and basketball games. The Wolfpack Club and season tickets are the one extravagance I allow myself. I don’t drive expensive vehicles; I go on cruises but always get the el-cheap-o rooms; nice clothes – not hardly (Are you kidding me? The fashion industry is one of the silliest wastes of time and money on the planet); and I’ll never be a first adapter when it comes to technology or electronics. But I do spend the moola on NCSU sports.
Unfortunately, this year there’s a downer when it comes to going to the games.
My college buddy Boze will come up for some games. Friends Chip and Nuke’em are available for games as well. But for the past 5 years the main company I could always count on was my nephew and niece-in-law. He’s the Linux whiz who updates his blog maybe once or twice a month (link to the right). Both ADH and MIH are well versed sports fans. Hockey is their primary sport – but they were knowledgeable great company for football and basketball games.
However, the n and n-in-law moved back to Japan this year. I’m really sad they’re not going to be around to go to the games with me anymore. There are plenty of folks at work who went to State and are sports fans like me – so I won’t have any trouble finding folks to go to the games. But it won’t be the same. Bummer.
Oh well, things change and life goes on.
Kick off is 3 weeks away.
1 comment:
Checking the Wolfpack schedule now to talk it over with Chuck! :)
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