I told you Erika had the 'neat' room.
This is Mami and Adrian's room.
Of course, I'm teasing them. It's tough to have to live out of suit cases in between homes and moving. Plus their move is half way around the world so there's all the passport and visa stuff to take care of. The cats are in quarantine. Cars to get sold. What to keep, what to put in storage, what to ship to Tokyo. So many more decisions and things to do than just a move across town.
It's Friday evening and Erika and Mami are watching the Hockey playoffs.
I'm on the back porch posting these entries.
Adrian flew to NoVa this afternoon. He'll be back Monday. Then he's off to Beijing. I think.
Tomorrow, Erika goes to Saturday Japanese School.
I've got yard work to do tomorrow morning.
Plus - I've got to go into the office to catch up on some work there as well.
Life is good for now. It's great having family around. I'm going to really miss them when they move.
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