Friday, April 20, 2007

Quick Update

Nephew ADH and wife MIH and child EIH are moving back to Tokyo. Bummer; but,that’s where his job needs him and honestly, MIH will be happier there.

I’m thinking maybe a once a year trip over there for a one week visit. Not much time to visit considering the lengthy travel. But, I’m not going to spend all my vacation time each year just on a single trip to Japan. My brother, sister and I have a pretty much standing family vacation each winter in February and DB, JN and I seem to have started a Thanksgiving vacation trend as well. So I’ll only be able to fit in a week in Tokyo each year.

Since they’re moving, ADH has given me his flat screen TV. I need to be there at 7 AM Saturday to pick it up as they take EIH to Japanese school at 8.

Hmmmm . . . . He also has a smaller flat screen TV in the bedroom – wonder if I can snag that as well?

Also this weekend – I want to put plants in the hanging baskets on the back deck and bulbs in the ceramic pots also on the deck.

Plus – there’s still a bit of touch up and trim work with the planting beds I installed.

And – I got so much on my desk – I think I need to come into the office Sunday and knock out a few hours work.

Mundane but busy weekend in store.

Phone Conversation

Spoke to my sister in NoVa this morning. Amidst the usual chit chat and family stuff -

Me: "Do me a favor. Please go over to that idiot asshat Alberto Gonzales' house and tell him I said it's way past time for him to resign."

Sister: "I won't need to. His mother has already told him".


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