Having a great time. Yesterday our port was San Juan, PR. That place is crowded. 5 million people on an island about the size of Connecticut. Too many people and not enough jobs. Of that 5 M, I was told about 1 M are there illegally, using PR as a jumping off place to get to the US.
Today we stop at Antigua. We plan to rent a car or, more likely, get a cab to take us to English Harbor to Nelson’s Dockyard.
DB and I like the historical stuff. JTN seems to like just about anything as long as he’s not bored.
JN is adapting well to the cruise ship life. There are 12 bars on board and a captive audience of 2,400 passengers who are having their first opportunity to be enlightened by his political and religious insight. LOL
The cliché is to travel with someone is to really get to know them. I’m happy to report that Nuke is a good cabin mate. Even in such a small room as a ship’s cabin, we seem to naturally be able to move about without getting in each other’s way. Also, when 2 people keep such different hours, that’s usually a cause for friction. In our case, it’s a good thing. I’m up early so I get to do things like shower, have coffee, write blog entries and then out the door to meet up with DB for breakfast. N is a late morning and late night person so we’re not contending for the bathroom or computer at the same time. We’re also both pretty sound sleepers so we tend to sleep right through the other person’s coming and going.
Speaking of breakfast, DB just called and is ready to eat.
BTW #1 – due to the unbelievably slow connectivity – I’ll be updating this week’s blog entries later with additional narrative and photos.
BTW #2 – from the ship’s library – In The Presence of Mine Enemies by Harry Turtledove ranks in the top 10 of the worst books I’ve ever read. Make that top 5. Considering doing future passengers a favor by tossing it overboard.
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