Today's port was St. Thomas, USVI. Took a scenic drive around the island which I’ve done before but glad I did again. This is a very beautiful place and worth seeing again. Didn’t spend much additional time ashore. Kind of hung around with Boseman and JN and talked and stuff.
I’m now reading A Man In Full. From the start – I’m hooked. It’s a great feeling when you’ve started a book and you know right off that it’s going to be a pleasure to read. I’m not necessarily a Tom Wolfe fan – in fact – Bonfire of the Vanities is way overrated. But I can tell already this book is going to be great.
Yesterday’s port was Antigua. Also a very nice island. The 3 of us took a cab by ourselves and it was more like having a visit with a friend. Instead of the usual pre-planned stops and canned monologue, we talked about everything under the sun with the driver – his family, politics, jobs, work, etc. Once he figured out what we were interested in, he took us to places he though we’d like. Plus a stop to a local drug store so N could pick up some inexpensive sun glasses instead of the overpriced tourist places.
Tonight we’re having an unexpected bonus – since the trip to tomorrow’s port (St. Marteen) is so close – the captain has decided to stop at St. Croix. As I write this, the captain is announcing that we’re pulling into the harbor right now (7 PM) and will leave around midnight. Heading to dinner for a rushed meal and then off the boat for a while. What a pleasant surprise.
BTW – if you know me – ask me about the Captain.
You don’t get to be a Cruise Ship Captain without being at the top of your game. They all have distinct personalities that you get to know from their announcements. This guy – well, lets just say – he likes to talk. And personality wise - he’s a trip. A very geeky loveable trip. Don’t forget to tell someone today that you love them. Hurdy Gurdy and kiss kiss kiss.
Since it was late – the only thing open in St. Croix were a couple of bars. We went to the one that looked the worst and settled in for a little local color. They had the UNC – Ohio State basketball game on and we were able to watch the first half.
Back on ship at 2330 and the ship pulled away at midnight. Stopped by the pool party for a drink and then off to bed.
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