Saturday, June 03, 2006

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

I used to hand feed the backyard squirrels until they got uppity and chewed their way through the screen doors to help themselves to the bag of peanuts in the house.

[Last year, Erika, age 3, watching the squirrels come up to take peanuts from my fingers learned by observation. She grabbed a peanut – held it out – and took off full speed towards the group of squirrels on the deck.

In unison – Uncle Bill, daddy David and mommy Mami - “ERIKA! NO!” LOL]

They are now used to fending for themselves with the occasional handful of peanuts I throw out on the back deck.

I also have 2 raccoons that nightly raid the bird feeder. Not much of a problem except they hook their claws into the porch screens to get to the feeder which has led to shredded screens which need replacing.

After doing a little research, I've found it's OK to occasionally feed raccoons dog food to help them out.

JN, at first, berated me for feeding wild animals - interfering with nature and the order of things and so on.

Over time however, Mr. N has decided it's fun to feed the critters.

One raccoon has started recognizing JN as the source of food in the dog bowl on the deck. So much to the point where she comes up even during the daytime to get fed.

While she won't come when JN whistles / calls her (yet) - she doesn't exactly run for cover when he's on the deck or porch.

Hmmmm . . . . training a rather large, aggressive wild animal to get used to your presence.

What could possibly go wrong?


This has Fark potential written all over it.

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