Saturday, June 24, 2006

We were 'sposed to riot? I didn't get the Memo.

Mike Commodore let the ladies place bids to cut his hair and beard. He raised over $15,000 for a children's cancer research foundation.

Raleigh, being a small city, doesn't realize that we're supposed to riot like the big cities do when there's a sports championship won. From the newspaper, a couple dozen people decided to get into the street on Glenwood South, so the cops detoured traffic so no one would get hurt. One guy was reported to have shoved a cop and got pepper sprayed for being a dumbass but that was about it. I can't recall the exact quote from the cop but it was something along the lines of "It's only a few people so we're just letting 'em have fun".

The Onion has a pretty funny spoof. The caption from The Onion article faked photo: "Hurricanes defenseman Bret Hedican celebrates his team's victory in the quiet, empty streets of Raleigh, causing shocked residents to wonder what is going on."

JN has set up the bonus room over the garage as his apartment. He's got a really nice space up there. Clearing out his thownhouse in Durham is just about finished. His parents, WN and HN are periodically coming up from Southport to help JN with the fix up of the Durham house to get it ready for leasing. Should be ready to rent in fairly short order.

That's really about all that's newsworthy around the house. GAH and ACH are in the middle of their month long Mediterranean cruise on the QM-2. They called yesterday morning from Italy. G was exasperated that A and I spent so much time, at international phone rates, talking about the Hurricane's winning the Stanley Cup.

No real plans for the weekend. JN and his folks are spending the weekend at the townhouse painting and working on minor repairs and maintenance. I'm doing laundry and general house stuff - but nothing major.

ADH, MIH, and EIH are coming over later for hamburgers with us. I figure there'll be an Addendum to this post later.

Monday Morning Addendum

ADH / MIH / EIH came over for a cook out Saturday evening. We had the full crowd including JN and his parents WN and HN plus their two dogs Koko and Brew.

Had a good time although EIH was tired and therefore a little cranky. Plus, when the dogs barked, EIH didn't like that very much - but I think she was going for the attention as well.

JN and his folks have been working on the townhouse since Thursday - very tiring work. They're headed back to Southport today to catch up on their place. Plus, WN needs to work on the kitchen cabinets at his shop and collect some more tools and equipment. They'll be back later this week to continue fixing up the townhouse. It's a lot of work getting a house ready to rent. Small things that we put up with in our own homes must be taken care of if you're going to rent it out.

Met ADH / MIH / EIH for breakfast in Cary Sunday morning. EIH and I shared a banana split crepe. What a great thing to have for breakfast!

Today and tomorrow I've 2 long days in the field. Plus the new engineer starts today.

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